Výtopna restaurant, Praha
Adresa: | Václavské nám. 56 |
Co to je? |
PRAHA 1 - Staré Město | ||
Telefon: | +420-725-190-646 | |
WWW: | http://www.vytopna.cz | |
email: |
Restaurant Vytopna is a pleasant stop not only for all railway lovers, but also for all gourmets, that will turn your visit into an extraordinary experience.
In Restaurant Vytopna the service is provided by model trains riding on 700 metres long railway. Our trains will serve your drinks without any delay. Visit us in a pleasant environment with atmosphere of the golden era of railway and try our specialities.
V podniku se točí - Krušovice 10° - Krušovice Černé - Krušovice Mušketýr nefiltrovaný .
Kuchyně - česká a staročeská.
Kategorie - Restaurace
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